Holy Quraan on Marriage - For Muslims men and women

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Purpose of the Prophethood of the Holy Prophet Mohammed sawas

  • To Recite the Verses of the Holy Book
  • To Purify the people
  • To teach them the Book
  • To teach them the Wisdom

Holy Quraan - Soorah Jumaa

The Holy Prophet sawas said that "I am the city of Knowledge and Ali is its door." The Holy Prophet sawas is the most knowledgeable and not illiterate. He sawas made it compulsory for every Muslim to acquire knowledge from the cradle to death. If anyone claims that the Great Holy Prophet sawas had no knowledge is contradicting the Holy Quraan. The Holy Quraan further says that the Holy Prophet sawas never speaks on his own but only when a revelation is sent to him sawas. 




Marriage Explanation
Proposal Whom to marry is specified clearly.
Method Procedue of marriage has been determined.
Divorce How to pronounce it is in the Ahadees. Each and every word is the Word of Almighty swt and even the marks are the same in all the Holy Quraans in the remotest corners of the world. This has been changed by the 2nd Caliph without fear and remorse.
Types There were two types as per Holy Prophet's sawas injunctions.

The Marriage and their effect in Personal Matters

Holy Book There will be conflicts at all levels of the household and divorce will be considered the solution for all differences in the home.

Wisdom acquired from the Aayat of the Holy Quraan will solve the problems and enrich lives of those relying upon the Almighty swt in all affairs.